Este lugar poco conocido y de visita obligada en los Andes con sus montañas de colores naturales que lo desafiarán físicamente, es un lugar perfecto para obtener excelentes fotografías. Déjate deslumbrar por la Montaña Viñicunca, también conocida como la Montaña del arcoíris.
Este día comenzará con el recojo temprano por la mañana de su hotel. El guía profesional junto a su conductor que lo acompañará y mostrará los paisajes impresionantes a lo largo del camino y lo llevará a apreciar la famosa montaña de colores/arco iris, un paisaje natural pintado a través de los años sobre las crestas de las montañas, una experiencia verdaderamente única en la vida.
La famosa montaña del Ausangate no puede pasar desapercibida pues está ubicada justo al frente de nuestro destino, cubierto de nieve, manadas de alpacas, valles verdes vibrantes. Esta caminata le permite ascender hasta la cima de una montaña de más de 5,000 m.s.n.m.
Valle rojo: es parte de esta aventura con una belleza única debida a la presencia de los muchos minerales que posee y nos ofrece una caminata extra de 30 min. Para completar nuestro día y volver recargados de nuevas y memorables experiencias.
Valle rojo (caminata opcional)
Esta excursión privada de un día a la montaña de colores, la montaña de colores, comenzará con su guía profesional y el transporte que lo recogerá en su hotel a las 5:00am. Después de 02 horas aprox. conduciendo se dirigirán al pintoresco pueblo de Cusipata, al sur de Cusco, posteriormente empezamos a ascender una carretera hacia el hermoso pueblo de Chillihuani, donde comenzará la caminata de aproximadamente 5hrs. (Ida/vuelta)
La duración total es de aproximadamente 9 horas. El recojo sugerido es desde el hotel es entre las 5:00am y 5:10am (recomendamos este itinerario para hacer una caminata lo más sencillo posible) y el regreso al hotel alrededor de las 3:00 p.m.
$ 215 .00por persona
® Derechos reservados Amazing Andean Adventures
We were recommended this company by our neighbor. Ruben/Juan was great with questions and provided a lot of valuable information as I was planning parts on my own instead using a set tour, partially due to wanting to climb one of the optional peaks which you need to book months in advance. We then hit a snag with my wife’s passport and Ruben happily rearranged the tour for us even though we gave last minute notice.
Our tour guide Wagner met us where the bus dropped us of (can be arranged to pick up from your hotel as well), and we spent the next two hours learning a lot about the history of the site and he took us away from the crowds, and accommodated our photos requests. After we hung around and explored on our own until it was time to leave….
FANTASTIC!!! From start to finish! Amazing Andean Adventures was in charge for our entire 8 day trip to Peru. Every detail and pick up was perfect. Every driver and guide was great! Thank you Kivin and Joaquin for finding my camera!
There was one special guide that we will never forget. Dany met us at our hotel in Agnes Calientes and was very patient as our train was late arriving. His knowledge of the history and culture of the Incans made the tour of Machu Picchu come alive! We were fortunate to have Dany for two days, always upbeat, helpful, fun, and competent. The Cusco City Tour was also amazing with the continuing history making us feel like we were actually there in the time of the Inca rule. Magical…
We traveled to Cusco this December with a three day private tour planned with Danny. My mom had done a similar tour with Danny and recommended him/amazing andean adventures to us! Our three day adventure was pretty much perfect; danny was always early to meet us, super friendly, with great english and tons of knowledge to share about the ruins and inca historical sites we visited. He even made the rain clear up so we could get a perfect view of machu picchu after our hike. On day one we went from our hotel to various destinations in sacred valley, which I worked with the company to plan so that we would hit all the spots I wanted to. They were helpful and accommodating in building a highly individualized itinerary…